7 Baby Classes GB

1. Water babies

Teach your baby to swim. A fantastic life skill for your baby to develop at a young age. Trained instructors take you through a set course to get your baby confident in the water.  Learning this vital core skill is a great way to bond with baby.

2. Sensory classes

Baby development activities to promote all senses. The programme is  designed to introduce different activities each week while some repetitiveness is encouraged for the baby to get familiar with certain songs and signs. This is a fun activity for baby and parents. 

3. Buggy Fit

A fitness class that can be enjoyed by baby & mummy. A great way to get back in shape, meet new people and fresh air for baby.

4. Tiny talk

Baby sign is a great way for a baby to start communicating before they can talk. This form of communication for babies is becoming very popular and a fun activity to enjoy with baby.

5. Monkey Music

A great class to take with your baby. Its fun filled and develops a sound base, emotional and intellectual development with a stimulating musical environment.

6. Baby Yoga

Baby yoga can be rewarding for baby and parent. For mums it helps the body get back to pre-pregnancy form and for baby assists in muscles and joint flexibility as they grow.  Look for local classes such as yoga bellies.

7. Baby massage

Baby massage can be very relaxing for babies and can help with muscle and joint flexiblity and aid digestion.  Find a local class check NCT or netmums for classes.

Have you been to any of the classes above or tried any others ?

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