10 Baby Care Basics


1. Burp, burp burp

To prevent wind which is very common for new borns burp as much as possible post a feed and if possible during the feed.

2. Keeping ceases clean

Keeping creases around the neck, arms and legs clean is difficult as sweat and saliva can make them red and bleed. To prevent this, bath every second day and wipe with a warm wash cloth every alternate day. Moisturise with a non-scented cream and cover with talc powder. The powder will absorb moisture between washes.

3. Nappy rash 

Always apply a barrier cream at every nappy change to prevent nappy rash and keep a nappy rash cream handy, and apply at the first sign of redness. 

4. Swaddle 

Babies find being swaddled comforting and sleep better as a result. 

5. Cradle cap

The yellowish patches that sometimes appear on a baby's scalp. This condition often clears on its own and is not harmful. Shampoos such as detinox or an emmoilent can be used as a head mask and washed off to help clear the cradle cap.

6. Dry Skin

Aqueous Cream is a light, non-greasy moisturiser that is made from a mixture of emulsifying ointment (which contains paraffin oils) and water.  Apply after a bath and as required to prevent skin from drying.

 Emmoilents are used as soap substitutes for babies to help the skin retain more moisture. An emmoilent an be used as a head mask for cradle cap and washed off after 15 minutes. 

7. Baby colds

Baby colds can be very distressing as babies don't naturally know they can breath though their mouth. Saline nose drops and nasal aspirator can be used to help unblock the nose.

8. Conjunctivitis

An infection in the eye should be seen by a GP to ensure is it properly diagnosed. Some mothers swear by breast milk to clear up the infection.

9. Vaccinations 

Most countries have a government vaccination schedule. The coverage and requirements are constantly changing. Follow your GP advice to ensure your baby is properly immunised.

10. Teething 

Some babies start teething from birth. Use gels sparingly and try teething granules made from natural ingredients such as teetha. A variety of tethers are available to help soothe inflamed gums. 

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